Grand home of the Malfoy family

The Grounds and Entrance Hall

Welcome to Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire. Introduce yourself, leave your cloak with the house elf and come on in. To new guests: do not come in until the door has been opened to you and read Lucius' Rules before attempting so. Tut tut.

Sub-board: The Gardens

Death Eaters Do Not Party (Lucius)
by Lucius Malfoy
Jun 12, 2011 11:35:00 GMT
The Lounge and the Dining Hall

Formal meetings are held in the dark but grand gothic-like Dining Hall but the more inviting grandiose Drawing Room is for informal gatherings with your fellow residents and hosts.

Sub-board: Dining Hall

The Post Room

A room for Manor residents to send and collect their indispensable owl post. Also, a place to leave handy and quick notes for fellow residents and their hosts to see.

Mr and Mrs Malfoy and Master Draco
by Lucius Malfoy
Nov 17, 2010 19:52:34 GMT
Private Chambers, Galleries & Baths

At the top end of the hallway with the Master chambers is Lucius's Suite and Draco's Chambers. You will find the Guest Chambers here and a staircase that goes back down to the lowest floor which holds the luxurious Sunken Baths Also find the Portrait galleries and Reading Room here.

Sub-boards: Lucius' Suite, Draco's Private Chambers, Guest Quarters, The Sunken Baths, Narcissa's Reading Room

Dungeons, Cellar & Elf's Quarters

Can all be found down a long dark stone stairway. If someone undesirable has sneaked into the manor then get them in the Malfoys' underground dungeon and leave them to fester until questioning and torture is over. Also, Grimley the House elf's cold bare room is here.

*looking for a house elf*
by Grimley the House elf
Mar 4, 2009 18:54:25 GMT

Wizarding & Muggle London

Diagon Alley

Wizards come from far and wide to shop here. Diagon Alley is invisible to Muggles and is accessible through The Leaky Cauldron in Charing Cross Road. All you could possibly need in one street! Also includes Witch Weekly Offices, The Daily Prophet & London Residences.

Sub-boards: London Residences, Knockturn Alley, Haphazard Alley©, The Daily Prophet Head Offices, Diagon Alley Post Office

I doubt I'll regret this [Bernard/open]
by Bernard Blotts
Apr 19, 2014 17:42:17 GMT
Ministry of Magic

The headquarters of the Ministry of Magic is located in the heart of London.
The actual structure is all underground, although magical windows show whatever weather Magical Maintenance has chosen for the day. A visitor to the MoM comes to a broken-down red telephone box and must state their business. Then the telephone box takes them down to the Atrium.

Sub-boards: Level Eight: The Atrium, Level 0 Underground Chambers & Cells , Level One: Minister of Magic's Office and administration offices, Aurorsicon Level Two: Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Level Three: Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Level Four: Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Level Five: Department of International Magical Cooperation, Level Six: Department of Magical Transportation, Level Seven: Department Magical Games and Sports, Level Nine: Department of Mysteries, Level Ten: Courtrooms

A Disturbance In The Lift [Alistair Yaxley & Isabella Donae]
by Corban Yaxley
Oct 26, 2015 23:41:04 GMT
St. Mungo's

Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, located in an old department store called Purge & Dowse in London. Speak to the mannequin in the window to enter...

Sub-boards: Entrance and Reception, Ground Floor: Artifact Accidents, First Floor: Creature-Induced Injuries, Second Floor: Magical Bugs, Third Floor: Potion and Plant Poisoning, Fourth Floor: Spell Damage, Fifth Floor: Visitor's Tearoom and Hospital Shop

Where is she?!
by Lord Sanguini Fuilteach
Apr 7, 2014 20:09:57 GMT
12 Grimmauld Place

The eerie Black's family home, ownership reclaimed by Harry Potter and used as headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix - much to Kreacher's disgust. Only members of the Order knew of its secret location and despite some Death Eaters sighted nearby, they are unable to get inside, making it one of the safest places in the Wizarding World to be.

Sub-board: The Order's Post Room

Wizarding locations across UK


The world-famous School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With an ever increasing threat to students' safety, it's no wonder the number of students is at an all time low. Still, the stars in the Great Hall shine on, Remember - there is no apparating in or out of the Castle!

Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
Hogwarts Owlery :: Classes :: Professors' Offices

Sub-boards: Hogwart's grounds, The Lake, The Graveyard, The Forbidden Forest , The Great Hall, Headmaster's Office, Professors' Offices, The Corridors & Moving Stairwells, Room of Requirement, ~Classes~, Madam Pomfrey's Hospital Wing, The Owlery, The Library, Gryffindor Common Room, Ravenclaw Common Room, Hufflepuff Common Room , Slytherin Common Room

by Vane Avebury
Sept 16, 2016 20:47:20 GMT

A beautiful picturesque village with quaint wizard shops and cottages. Do you fancy a Butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks or stocking up on your favourite sweets at Honeydukes? Then shop here!

Sub-boards: Hogsmeade Village , Wizarding Wireless Network

Simple stroll
by Annalessa Bordon
Oct 6, 2016 0:03:26 GMT
Azkaban (Novus Universitas)

Wizard prison, now overtaken by Lord Voldemort. Located on a remote and lonely island off the North coast. Apparating to or from the fort is impossible for those who do not have a Dark Mark. And watch out for the Dementors, who are now under the command of Voldemort...

Sub-board: Voldemort's Lair

The Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole

This is where you'll find the quaint, cramped but cheerful home of the Weasleys. Four storeys high and rather precariously built, but a loving, welcoming home all the same. Send all your owl letters to the Weasleys here.

Sub-boards: The Gardens, Shed and Broomshed, The Kitchen and Living Room, The Bedrooms and Attic, Owl letters

Unplottable Manors and other Wizarding Homes Worldwide

Malfoy Manor isn't the only old Wizarding mansion of the UK - there are a series of old manors owned by the 'upper class' old Wizarding families that are almost as grand and also Unplottable and invisible to Muggles. Only close associates would know how to locate each one.

Not every wizard in the world is wealthy enough to afford a mansion, or even an unplottable place. Those who can not may live among muggles, or in small wizard communities.

Sub-boards: Rookwood Manor, West Sussex, Nott Manor, Hampshire, Crouch Manor, England, Lestrange Manor, Ireland (Unplottable), Bletchley Manor, NE Ireland , Fuilteach Castle, Carrow Manor, Yaxley Manor, Bordeaux Vineyard Estate, SW France, Thails Manor, Greece, Shell Cottage, Jordan Family Home, The Lovegoods, Auntie Muriel's House, Pride and Potion Mix

The Family Business
by Lucian Tamwell
Jun 6, 2011 9:55:48 GMT
Muggle UK

The disturbance in the Wizarding World sometimes spills over into the unsuspecting Muggle World leaving a trail of mystery and mayhem when it does - government officials on both the Muggle & Wizarding World have to work hard to make sure the worlds stay separate...
Here you will find any location in Muggle UK - also you will find 'Godric's Hollow' a Muggle village with an increasingly dwindling Wizarding community.

Sub-boards: Godric's Hollow, d'Eath Residence, Kensington, London, Spinners End, Granger House, The Longbottoms, Hut on the Rock

Non-RP, chat & games

Beginner's Guide & Members Handbook

All new blood enter here! Roleplayers please visit 'Magical Me' for rules & to apply for a character. Non-RPers please go to 'Muggle Me' first. Also includes the Fountain of Knowledge, the Points Bureau, The Plots Pensieve, the Graphics Library & Requests. Existing members, please use this section to develop your character and RP skills here at MM.
Getting Started::Wizards A-Z Directory:: Request an Avatar::
Character Creation : Inspiration Thread
Ask Our Oracle

Sub-boards: Magical Me, Muggle Me, The Beginner's Guide to RP, The Plots Pensieve, The Wizards A-Z Directory, The Fountain of Knowledge, Points Bureau, The Graphics Library , Graphic Requests, Archives (mixed), Events Archives

Applying for Non-Canon (limited)
by Bartleby F. Belowes
Mar 30, 2015 17:48:57 GMT

The Pinboard

A useful section for RPers and non RPers alike! This section contains staff announcements, RP Requests, availability details and Alliances & Apprenticeships lists. Use this section to advertise updates to your profiles, new competitions, open RPs, request someone to RP with, OOC FAOs, advertise gallery additions and your fanfic submissions.

Sub-boards: Sonorus! , Requests for Roleplays & Characters, For the Attention of...(FAO), Alliances & Apprentices, Your Availability and Absences

The Witching Hour

Take off your roleplay cloaks and grab a cup of tea! The 'WH' is a glossy chat programme on the Wizarding Wireless Network, but here it is the place to gossip about everything and anything. You will also find HP discussions, loquacious witches, and a Voting section for various awards!

Sub-board: MM's Award Ceremonies: Cast your votes!

Foolish Wand Waving

Games for everyone; a section which would probably infuriate the ever cantankerous Snape with the amount of jolly good fun involved! But forget the cranky old men and your old school books; it's time for mirth and mischief!
Includes the Boredom Blasters to keep you amused in your own time!

Sub-boards: NEW! The Time-Turner, NEW! Character Diaries, Boredom Blasters, The Portrait Galleries, Reading Room

Staff Area

Support Council :: Staff Council

Sub-boards: Support Council, Staff Council, Testy Test, Thread Graveyard

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