Post by Ophelia Fuilteach on Feb 9, 2014 10:06:13 GMT
Some hours later, and Ophelia was curled up in the attic, blankets wrapped around her, and her victim lay weakened and injured on the floor nearby. She assumed she had injured the girl while dragging her upstairs, but she couldn't risk her escaping while she slept through the hours of daylight.
Even in winter, sunlight could still burn her skin, make her weak.
She clung to a photo she had snatched from the wall, a bronze frame containing an image of two people, the man dressed in wedding robes and the woman in a white dress. She stroked the glass gently, whispering to herself.
"If I had a time turner, I would go back to this day over and over again," she said.
Post by Theodore Nott on Jun 28, 2014 20:41:44 GMT
This was the fourth failed attempt. Roslyn's home was dark, suggesting no one was in. But, at such a late hour? Theodore thought he knew her habits rather well, and couldn't fathom what could keep the witch away from her sanctuary. Of course, Roslyn could simply be avoiding Theo, as he was beginning to suspect. That also meant she wasn't necessarily out. As if Theo wasn't already in a foul mood...
A handful of hours had passed since Julian, Theodore's father, decided to grace his son with his presence at dinner. The sight of the old wizard across the table was not welcome, and Theo did not wait around for "how are you's". He simply rose from the table, his picked over salmon cold and long forgotten, and gave his father a curt nod before disapparating on the spot. It seemed that little visit had set the mood for the night.
Hogsmeade was the first location that popped into mind, and Theo grabbed a tight hold on the mental image, glad to be leaving, though unfortunately, it was the walk leading to Roslyn's house where he appeared. He frowned when he looked up to the modestly comfortable home. It wasn't quite where intended to wind up.
Now, Theo glared at Roslyn's unanswered front door as he raked the fallen hair from his eyes. "Right.", he said, annoyed, before turning away sharply and setting off down the darkened lane. He really needed to stop messing with her, she was going to send him straight to the mad house.
Speaking of loosing one's mind... What was that?
A soft, shining ball of silvery-blue light was glowing directly ahead. It wasn't bright enough to illuminate a large area, but on the dark road leading away from Hogsmeade it was more than enough to instantly gain attention, and stop Theo in his tracks. He could see the light was moving, kind of bobbing there in place, blocking his path, but where it came from was a mystery. One quick survey of the area didn't reveal its source, though Theo knew he needn't have wasted his time checking. Nothing about this orb suggested malice. Still, this was something he had never encountered before, he couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy.
For a few moments nothing happened. Theo stood stock still, eying the light, and it continued to hang in the air before him as if it were sizing him up, too. Then, all at once, the light shifted, and turned the shape of a bird? No... It was...it was a Phoenix! And, it was coming at him! There was no chance of Theodore doing anything to protect himself, the light was on top of him before he could blink. He could only stand there, mortified, and watch as the Phoenix-light shrank back into a wisp before vanishing into his chest!
As the light disappeared, the spot above his heart heated rapidly to an uncomfortable temperature, and the compulsion to leave, to disapparate overwhelmed him. He knew without a doubt there was no way he would be able to ignore it, he didn't even want to try.
With a thundering crack, Theo was gone. He had no notion of what was happening, or where he was headed, but the heat in his chest was fading so, that must have been a good sign.
Merlin, was he wrong...
Theo's landing upon arrival was clumsy, and he was all out of sorts. He had no idea where he was, he nearly fell on his face, and it was much too quiet. Though on a lighter note, he didn't feel anymore burning and he was alive...for now. He gathered himself up quick as he could, finding and taking his wand into hand, and was happy to note that it seemed as if no one wanted to "do him in".
That was when he spotted the grand home looming as dark as the night sky. It was vaguely familiar, and a memory tugged faintly in the back of his mind, but he didn't allow it to come to fruition. He had to focus and be ready. Anything could happen tonight.
Wand at the ready, a deep breath, and a few quick strides had Theodore at the front door, and pushing it open without invitation.
Post by Roslyn Levere on Jun 29, 2014 0:41:48 GMT
Time was a strange thing; it never stopped for any man or woman, seeming to escape their grasp like grains of sand slipping through their fingers. Much too fast most days, yet when you really wanted something it was like waiting for snow in the middle of June. The seconds seemed endless. Roslyn was caught right in the middle, too much time passing and yet not enough, a strange sort of limbo.
At first there was nothing. No sense of feeling, sight, smell; a cold emptiness. She didn't mind, compared to the searing white pain, and what was certainly more to come Roslyn preferred to feel nothing at all. Perhaps her death would be quick, and painless in this world she had slipped into. But fate was unkind, as she came crashing back to reality.
The first thing she noticed was that she wasn't dead.. or at least not completely. You didn't feel sharp stinging sensations when you were dead did you? Unless... and Roslyn was filled with a sense of terror at the thought- had she woken up right in the middle of her torture? Was the madness only at it's beginning? She almost didn't want to bother with opening her eyes, nevermind how heavy they felt. Would the horror she faced be right in front of her?
Come now Rose... where's your courage? If it is your last hour at least face your enemy one last time.. A distant voice echoed dully. Strange it almost sounded like her grandmum, guiding her through her last moments. None the less Roslyn forced her eyes to open, her surroundings blurred and out of focus. As the blurry shapes began to take their natural form again, Roslyn could see that everything was bathed in a pale glow. Nothing like the piercing darkness she had been in, yet no sense of comfort filled her.
She knew she was in danger. Her stomach felt sour, her heart beating like a drum inside of her chess; yet she couldn't quite recall from what. How she got into her predicament. Of course sitting up to look at her surroundings might stir something, yet Roslyn couldn't find the strength to sit up. She felt sick, and like the life had been drained out of her. Her arm throbbed with the familiar pain of being broken, in turn she hardly paid any mind to the pain in her head. Through her confusion, and disorientation Roslyn was felt with the deep need to get out, while she was still breathing.
"H-help... help." She could only bring her voice to a pitiful whisper, hoping that if anyone were near, if her luck hadn't completely run out that they would hear.
Post by Theodore Nott on Jul 9, 2014 0:18:52 GMT
This was all very unsettling. Theodore had just encountered some type of travel, similiar to a Portkey, but it was nothing he had ever experienced before. Now, he was in a dimly lit home that hinted of familiarity, and dust. Lots of dust. Evidently, not a soul had dwelt here in a fair stretch so, how did he end up here?
"Lumos," he whispered, as he crept further into the house. The light shining from the tip of his wand was enough to allow for a decent look about, and Theo could easily deduce the last tenants were not exactly paupers. However, where they went and who they were went unanswered, it wasn't as if he had received a warm greeting at the door, and he wasn't about to start calling out "hello's". That idea was beyond foolish.
No welcome tidings? Is this not an ambush?
Fully expecting the worst, Theo continued to inch forward, absently rubbing the spot where the Patronus Charm had entered his chest with his empty left hand, until he came upon a lovely staircase. He paused before the first step and swallowed. His chest wasn't burning badly as it had during the trip here, but the phantom embers left behind were rather uncomfortable. It was as though he was suffering a severe case of heartburn. Hopefully it wouldn't last much longer, it was growing into a distraction he couldn't afford right now. He had to focus. His very life could very well be in jeopardy, and here he was fussing over a little discomfort. Pull up your knickers, he thought to himself while taking a step, and begining the climb up.
Nothing noteworthy happened as his long legs carried him up the stairs, through the second level, and onward. It was when he could go no further, and had to assume the attic was all that was ahead when he finally heard something.
At first, Theodore thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but it didn't take long to conclude what he was hearing was real, the whisper was too pain filled to be his imagination.
"Who's there? Show yourself." , he said, putting all the confidence he could muster into his voice.
Post by Roslyn Levere on Jul 9, 2014 3:27:55 GMT
Dark spots danced in front of her vision, and Roslyn knew it wouldn't be long until she passed out again. Typically it wasn't wise to waste energy on words when one was in this type of situation. She should be trying to preserve her energy, but for what? Whatever misery lay ahead of her had given her a short break, one that may never come again. Preserve her energy for what? For torture? Tears prickled at the corners of Roslyn's eyes as she allowed herself a brief moment of self pity. If this were to be her final hour she only wished she could see a warm face; one that wasn't filled with the cold fury seared into her mind. She only wanted a pleasant memory to take with her. But then she couldn't help thinking how death was much easier than life. It was so easy to lay here and await the eternal arms of death, after enduring the struggles and hardships of life. At least her family would be wherever she ended up. She would be able to feel comfort once more as familiar arms wrapped around her.
Roslyn had to stop lying to herself. Who was to say anyone was even here? If it were anyone would the be friend of foe? And what were the chances they would hear her pitiful whimpers in such a place like this? Strangely enough as she quietly accepted her defeat, allowing the darkness in her vision to take hold, the face which popped into her mind was one she didn't expect. Eyes as dark as coal from a distance, yet Roslyn had noted they held deep warm tones of brown. Pale skin which had seemed like stone to her on so many occasions a milky canvas. Without a single blemish or imperfection. Yes Theodore Nott was the face she thought of as darkness overtook her.
Post by Theodore Nott on Jul 9, 2014 15:49:30 GMT
The whispers faded as Dawn's soft rays of light began to break, and Theodore's command had went unanswered. Curious... He tilted his head, puzzled and intrigued more than frightened.
What were they waiting for? He was obviously sent for, where was the person that couldn't send an owl with a proper invitation? What if he had been in the middle of something important? This was quite inconsiderate. Rude... He huffed silently, growing annoyed like he was earlier when faced with Roslyn's darkened door, and extinguished the light glowing from his wand. He could see fine without it now that day was rising sleepily.
What his weak wand light hadn't revealed could now been seen easily, and the sight sent a wave of shock to tremor through Theodore's entire being. The dust that had accumulated was disturbed by what appeared to be something having been hauled up through the lengths of the house, and drops of blood were scattered here and there, suggesting that whatever it was had been injured. Hopefully whatever caused this scene wasn't the culprit that sent for him.
"Hu-Hullo?", he asked weakly, now visibly shaken. "Is someone there?" Theodore continued ahead a bit further, surprised by his own bravery when self-preservation was typically his main agenda. He could just make out a lump or two lying in a shadowy corner on the other side of the attic. It was unmoving, yet he aimed his wand all the same and steeled his spine. "Hello?", he asked again, not quite able to hide the fear from his voice.
Post by Roslyn Levere on Jul 9, 2014 19:08:16 GMT
Roslyn had expected to return to whatever place her mind had taken her when she first fell unconscious. She assumed the same thing happend whenever anyone was unconscious though it could very well be a world entirely created by her mind. The body had a strange way of protecting itsself. Maybe her mind had created a world where she would feel nothing at all, which was far better than what awaited her. Or maybe she had simply gone mad and in madness the truth was found. Maybe the reason she could feel nothing in this place; see nothing, was because it represented her life as it was. Empty. Alone. She had noone and it was there to remind her that. Just as Roslyn's thought began to take a dark turn, growing darker with each second she could see a small little speck. No bigger than a speck of dust at first.
That small speck grew bigger and bigger, before a blinding light completly shattered the darkness. Roslyn wasn't aware of when she had moved to shield her eyes, but as she shifted she notticed a few things. The cool, prickly feeling of something brushing against her cheek and legs. A familiar smell; one that smelled like autumn. Rain and pine. Above all she notticed that she could move, and there was not a drop of pain to be felt.
"Rose... my sweet Rosebud." Her eyes snapped open as a voice inturrupted the peaceful silence she had fallen into, her heart jumping into overdrive as fear ripped through her. Oh no! She was back! She was back- "Rose..." A gentle hand touched her shoulder, and Roslyn looked to what she expected to be her terror... what she actually saw caused her heart to skip a beat, a strange burning in her chest. Before her knelt a woman, looking at her seemed like looking into a mirror... yet.. she was older. Perhaps her mid thirties. Thick curls fell upon slender shoulders, a smile as sweet as honey resting on full lips. Roslyn wondered if she were an angel, yet the knowledge of who this was left her without breath. "Breathe sweetheart." The woman laughed softly, her laughter reminding Roslyn of music. She let out a stutturing breath, blinking back the tears that had gathered. "Mum?" The woman nodded. "Yes... I am your mother."
Roslyn had only ever seen pictures of her mother, each time the woman in the photo seeming like an older version of herself looking back. Roslyn couldn't count how many nights she had spent wishing she could jump into those photos and stay there forever; however the photos didn't do her justice. She was breath taking. A simple white dress clung to her frame beautifully, her feet bare. The smell of apples and cinnamon surrounded Roslyn, as she wasn't aware of when she'd come to cling to her mother so tightly. Her chest ached with relief, comfort and pain. Because Roslyn knew right then and there this world she was in wasn't real... it couldn't be. Her mother had died long ago. But to feel her embrace was something imprinted in her heart.
"Roslyn you have to go back, darling." Her mothers voice was nothing more than a whisper, as gentle fingers combed through her hair. " I don't know how to find my way, mum. I'm afraid my luck has run out anyway." Her own voice was a whisper, as if they both wanted to protect the fragile peacefulness of wherever they were.
"Hope is never gone, so long as there is a single breath in you. You are not lost, Rose. Follow your heart, and it shall lead you back home." Roslyn shook her head, wanting to tell her mother how much she loved her, how much she didn't want to leave this place with her. Yet she found herself grasping nothing but mist, mist that faded into nothing. Her heart ached, and as Roslyn looked around she realized she was at her cottage, her home in perfect view. With a deep inhale, and slow exhale she stood. Her mother was right.. she couldn't stay here.
With that single thought the world seemed to be melting away into a blur of colors. Roslyn simply closed her eyes and accepted it, allowing herself to melt too.
"Hullo.... Hullo?" Roslyn let out a shuddering breath, awaking with a start. She was back in the real world now, the first rays of dawn revealing the dusty wooden surface she lay upon. Her throat was parched like sand paper. coughing harshly, Roslyn's nose tingled as a bit of dust went up it. She was unaware of a thin layer of sweat coating her face, now a sickly white. "I'm here... I'm here..." She mumbled almost like a chant, to make herself believe it. She was still alive if barely.
Post by Theodore Nott on Jul 9, 2014 21:11:01 GMT
"Rose?!" Theodore nearly stumbled when he heard a soft voice issue forth from the lump before him. "R-Roslyn?", he answered, utterly bewildered.
What in Merlin's name was Roslyn doing here? And why was she barely moving?
Theodore rushed ahead as his surprise turned into grave concern. That blood he spotted could very well be hers. "Roslyn...are you alright? How did you get here? What's going on?" His words spewed forth, he couldn't stop any of his questions from coming out though he wasn't exactly worried about receiving answers at that moment.
Theo's main focus was the witch piled up in an uncomfortable heap at his feet. "Talk to me, sweetling. Let me know you're with me." Softly, he spoke as he crouched next to Roslyn, wanting to reach out and touch her, but fear held his hand. The other lump a few feet away went ignored.
Post by Roslyn Levere on Jul 9, 2014 21:45:33 GMT
Her eyesight was bleary, everything looked to be double. Roslyn couldn't help flinching away from the light as it stung her eyes, from being kept in the dark for so long. She could swear she heard a distant voice which sounded familiar, and a ray of hope lightened the young witches heart. The effort of moving felt as if she were lifting cement blocks, her head seemed to weigh a ton, yet Roslyn found the strength to turn her head a fraction. She could see a form, blurry and nearly shapeless. As the form came closer, Roslyn could see just a bit clearer, that the shapeless form wasn't there to hurt her. though she still couldn't quite tell who it was, her eyes drifting closed. "Not safe... not safe here.." She wanted to scream that they should both get out of there, but her strength was gone. Talking in itself was unbelievably difficult.
Swallowing thickly, Roslyn squinted her eyes. "Th-Theo... you came here. You came." She wasn't quite all the way there, her conscious drifting in and out. Fever had taken hold, and perhaps this was merely an illusion. All the same Roslyn didn't expect to see whom she assumed was Theo. He had come like a dark knight, and she only hoped he wouldn't leave without her.
Post by Theodore Nott on Jul 9, 2014 23:57:57 GMT
Theo looked at Roslyn's battered form, not sure whether he was coming or going, and stripped off his heavy winter cloak. He could see there were little pools of blood gathered where her head was lying on the floor from a gash that ripped across her forehead, and he nearly jumped back. The wound was awful and most likely the reason for so much blood. Theo couldn't comprehend someone was capable of such violence against her, because Roslyn was a sweet girl, unable to bring harm to anyone. She was the type to come running when someone had nowhere else to turn, or she would give you the shirt off her back if age saw that you had more need of it.
Ever so gently he wrapped the injured witch with his cloak, then leaned close to her ear. "Yes, it me...it's Theodore. I'm here. Shhh... Be still now, everything will be fine." He tried to sound sure of himself, but the sight of her there, pale as a corpse, worried him.
Blast it! Why didn't he become a Healer?
There was no way Theo could do more for Roslyn than he had here in the attic, he knew he would have to move her. St. Mungo's came to mind, but too many questions would he asked. The only other option he had was home, Nott Manor in Hampshire.
"Alright, Rose", he began, lips brushing against the skin just under her ear. "We're gonna get out of here. But first...first I have to pick you up. I'm sorry..."
With the utmost care he folded his arms around the witch and gathered her limp body, cloak and all, against his. "I'm so sorry if this hurts...try not to move, baby. I've got you...", he winced around his soothing tones. The last thing he wanted was to cause her anymore agony, but it couldn't be helped if she's wished to live.
Slowly, inch by inch, Theo rose to his feet with Roslyn in his arms, and continued his whispers. "You're gonna he fine, my sweet. Every little thing is gonna be alright. Okay now...we're gonna leave here. Ready?"