Post by Silvery Bletchley on Jan 23, 2008 20:04:38 GMT
Dearest Mother,
I'm desperate for your advice. My heart is torn in two and I don't know what to do. I know you are not all that fond of Draco but you know how much I love him and I know you respect that. But now another love has come back into my life and he has offered me the world. All that I crave but cannot get from Draco.
Do you remember Miles? Yes, I know you do. The one with the glistening blue eyes. Well, I have feelings for him too. Though I'm not sure that they are true. How could they be? How could I love two people the same? I don't know, maybe I don't. Perhaps it is just lust and not anything real. But I care about him so much. And almost gave up all that I have for him. I'm so confused, mother. My heart is broken and my head is in disarray. Should I ignore my new feelings, break both our hearts, and move on with my life as it is? Or should I leave the one I know I love because he shows no signs of wanting to move our relationship to the next level? At least I know Miles needs me. Does Draco really need me? Has he even stayed true to me? I can't answer that and therein in lies my deepest heartache. He has strayed from me before, does that mean he loves me less?
Please help. I'm in emotional turmoil and about to lose it. I don't see a way out for me. With any choice I make someone will get hurt and I'll be left feeling miserably guilty. What do I do, mother? What can I do?
Your confused daughter, Silvery
Post by Belinda Light on Jan 23, 2008 20:25:46 GMT
Oh my dear Silvery,
You are much too young to be feeling this kind of pain. How in the world did you get into this situation in the first place?
You worry about Draco straying from you. But your whole problem stems from you doing the same. My only advice is that you be true to yourself. Look deep inside your heart and decide who you truly love. I know you said you feel for both but one has to mean more to you than the other. Though I don't think he is right for you, the fact that you are still with Draco should be a clue, don't you think? So what if he hasn't asked you to marry him? Do you really think you are ready for that? I don't think so. Live your life, child. Enjoy your youth. Take it from someone who married very young and feels like she missed out on much of the world. You have plenty of time for all that.
As far as Miles is concerned. I do remember him, lovely child he was. Very polite and courteous. Though I seem to recall him having a bit of a temper with you. Did he not? I don't know Silvery. Maybe you should take some time away from both of them and think about this with a clear mind. I would love to see you. Come and stay with me a while. It would do you some good.
Your loving mother, Belinda
Post by Silvery Bletchley on Jan 23, 2008 20:36:31 GMT
I know. I've taken the wrong path and now I'm paying for it. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. But now that I know what it's like I worry even more about how Draco truly feels. Perhaps you're right. Some time away may help. But what do I tell Draco? He has no idea of what's going on. I've been hiding my emotions from him and acting as if everything is okay for quite a while now. I love him so much, and I can't see a future without him. But at the same time I wonder if we have a future at all. If that makes any sense.
Yes, Miles does have a temper. But he would never hurt me. Mother, if you could just see the look in his eyes when he tells me how much he loves me, how much he needs me. He tells me things that have never passed through Draco's lips. He makes me feel needed and appreciated. A few words can go such a long way. Why can't Draco see that?
Yeah, okay. I'll come and see you. Though I'm not sure I'll be staying. I'll probably be there soon.
Love, Silvery
Post by Belinda Light on Jan 26, 2008 17:24:33 GMT
Silvery darling,
It's been a few days since your letter and I have not seen or heard from you. Is everything okay? Should I come see you instead? I'm worried about you dear. I don't understand this sudden urge to settle down. Is it because you are bored? Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Perhaps Draco is holding you back. You should be free at your age darling. Travel the world, experience new places and people. Why trap yourself in that manor the way you do? Are you still running that lovely potion shop by the way?
I know, so many questions. But that is why I wanted for you to come and visit. Please let me know if you would rather I came to see you. Having a nice long heart to heart conversation about your feelings with your mother will help you tremendously. Consider that.
With love, Belinda
Post by Silvery Bletchley on Jan 26, 2008 17:56:15 GMT
*reads the letter and sighs*
*sits at the desk and writes a reply*
Dear Mother,
It is not an urge. I am just really confused right now. Miles has promised me the things that every girl dreams of. And Draco, the one I really wish to spend the rest of my life with, has not. He has a ring for me, I've seen it, but he's put it away and Salazar knows when and if ever he'll give it to me. What has changed? Something changed his mind. Is he not ready? Or is he doubting I'm the one?
And yes. I guess I do feel like something is missing at times. But I keep myself busy and don't think about it too much. That is until recently. Once Miles showed up things turned upside down. He clouds my judgement, makes me see things in a different perspective. Ugh! I need to stop seeing him. That's all there is to it. Everything is fine when time goes by without him messing with my emotions. It's going to be hard though, because he seeks me out. And once he's there I don't have the heart to leave or send him away. I'm so weak when it comes to love. Why is that?
No mother. Don't come and see me. I'll find some time to visit you soon and have that mother-daughter talk. Please don't worry about me. I can handle it. I just needed to talk to someone. Your letters have helped. Thank you.
Love, Silvery